Infographic: 5 Steps to Success for Family-Friendly School Enrollment

Making the right school choice is crucial. Yet, the application and enrollment hurdles can often be a headache for families.

District and charter school educators play a critical role at every step in the process to give families guidance they can rely on.

Learn effective strategies to keep families informed and empowered at five key enrollment touchpoints in this infographic.


Family Friendly Enrollment Infographic Preview 2

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A user-friendly solution to ease enrollment management for educators and families

From gathering online application information to running lotteries and managing waitlists, our Application and Lottery system has all the essential features needed to serve schools and students.

App & Lottery Combo Mockup

Highlighted Features

Small white check mark in a blue circle  Online student application form

Small white check mark in a blue circle  Configurable lottery settings

Small white check mark in a blue circle  Application and lottery reporting

Small white check mark in a blue circle  School choice program ranking

Small white check mark in a blue circle  Email notifications to applicants