There has never been a better time to modernize your Independent Study (IS) program management. School Pathways' PLS software is a unique solution used by hundreds of California schools to manage IS learning agreements and more.
See our Personalized Learning System in action.
Get a Tour of Our Personalized Learning System
From online activity logs and master agreement management to tracking synchronous instruction and managing tiered reengagement—we make it easier to deliver a great IS experience while streamlining state compliance.
Highlighted Features
Digital Learning Agreements
Online Activity Tracking
Synchronous & Asynchronous Instruction Tracking
Tiered Reengagement Lists
LMS & Digital Content Integrations
“Now that families can sign electronically, all the outreach and driving around to gather master agreements is gone, and that has drastically saved time for our teachers, instructional team, and office staff.”
Michael Brubaker, Director of Operations Visions In Education